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Visualisation principles


🚧 This section of the docs is currently under construction.

🧪 Experimental approach

DigiKAR was planned and executed as a laboratory, hence with a strong experimental character. Read more on why we decided to do so and what the main challenges this approach entailed.

🪴 Process driven

Experiments can go wrong. At the DigiKAR project we tried to embrace this and tried to learn as much as possible from the mistakes we made throughtout the project. Read more on how we tried get better each time, by e.g. documentation and user tests, when creating visualizations for DigiKAR.

🧑‍💻 Technology

For DigiKAR as DH project digital data and tools to process them are essential. As more and more technologies are adapoted by digital humanities, workflows are diversified and required a variety of sometimes quite for complex tech stacks. We aim for a minimal setup to get involved in the DigiKAR project. Read more on how we try aim for accesbility and reproducibility throught the project.

🥇 Based on best practices

To make informed decision for the development of interactive visualization for historic data, we aimed to be on top of the state-of-the-art in this field. To this end we created a collection of best practice visualizations.